a person's bac will go down if they

a person's bac will go down if they

Does drinking coffee, vomiting and bathing in cold water reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood? Of course it will not go down because it is inside our body

Alcohol is? 

Alcohol is a mood changer. This substance, is a depressant that reduces brain activity and the nervous system. Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol and have different colors and flavors, depending on the ingredients used in its manufacture. Alcohol is served in many variations including beer, wine, brandy, wine, whiskey, and others.

How are alcoholic drinks absorbed in the body?

When you consume alcoholic beverages, the alcohol will first enter the digestive system. However, alcohol is not digested like other foods and drinks. About 20 percent of the alcohol in a glass of your drink goes straight into a vein. From the blood vessels directly carried to the brain. While the remaining 80 percent goes into the small intestine, then just enter the bloodstream. When alcohol enters the bloodstream, the body will begin processing it at a rate of 20 mg / dL per hour.

That means if your blood alcohol level is 40 mg / dL, it will take about two hours to break down and process the alcohol. The body tends to absorb alcohol more easily than removing alcohol. The body can only remove or cleanse the alcohol level of 0.016 percent every hour. For example, someone who weighs 68 kg drinks a glass of alcohol. The person will experience an increase in blood alcohol levels of around 0.02 percent but his body can only issue 0.016 percent alcohol content every hour. Therefore, if you drink more than one glass per hour, your blood alcohol concentration will continue to increase rapidly.

How does the body secrete alcohol? 

The last stage, alcohol in the body will be discharged out through a screening process carried out by the liver. If there is interference with your liver, then the process of cleansing this alcohol will slow down or be disrupted. This metabolic rate will also be influenced by the size of your heart and how healthy the condition of your heart is. The body processes alcohol by oxidizing ethanol from acetaldehyde compounds to acetic acid, then the acetic acid is converted to carbon dioxide and water. About 5 percent of the alcohol you drink will later be released by the body through sweat, breathing, urine, feces, or saliva.

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